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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

We aRe Not FISH !!!

Although we breathe with gills.

Although we live in the sea.

BUT WE are not FISH !!! 
Guess Who WE aRe !!!

We have 10 long legs 
surrounding our heads.

We love to "dress-up"
not only to protect ourselves from dangers
also to express our love to our lovable person.

Athough our relatives are all wearing hard armors
and we only covering by a thin and soft mantles.

YOu know who WE are

Final Tips:
We can expel blackish smoke to assist escape our predators. 
BINGO ? ! ! ?

Tip: if you like HOT add some of the dried chilli stir fry it with ginger and garlic after the oil is heated up.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

ABC Soup

Everyone has some childhood memories especially some kind of childhood favorite food. For me, I’ve been brought up by drinking ABC soup. My mum loves to cook this soup (at least once a week) for us because she believed that this soup is healthy and it’s contains all source of vitamin A, B, C. and the funny thing is we never get bored of eating it.

One of my favorite soup and I've changed some of the ingredients, for instance: I've used chicken drumsticks instead of pork ribs and added chicken stock to enhance a taste of sweetness.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Morning Glory - Peace in Friendship

No one is perfect in this world. The people who casually talk about other people’s weaknesses, or expose people's privacy, not only ruin someone else's reputation, and also hurt others felling. 

We all understand that things are not reliable if we jump to a hasty conclusion without sufficient evidence and take our stand on one-side. Things may be misleading. Things maybe right, maybe wrong or maybe no right and no wrong. It's just because people will always see things based on their own perspectives rather than looking at the issues from different angles or putting themselves in somebody's place. They will never feel the pain if they are not in other's shoes.  This remind me about the story of the blind men and an elephant. [http://www.noogenesis.com/pineapple/blind_men_elephant.html]

Soooo... just live your life and making it even better than yesterday (ming tian hui geng hao). Don't let them driving your life under the bad influence.

Regards :)
Foo Dui Geng

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ginseng Chicken Soup

This was one of the special night dinner, ginseng chiken soup made for my family. They enjoyed it so much !!!

please TRY...It's very Yummmmyyy!!! Easy and Good for health !!!